Friedman Place building Chicago

Friedman Place Accepting Board of Directors Applications

Are you interested in serving on the Friedman Place Board of Directors and guiding our future?

In 1935, the nonprofit now known as Friedman Place started serving adults who are blind on the West Side of Chicago. We have now grown to provide permanent supportive housing to 100 people from our main location on the Northwest Side of Chicago and other vital services to another 150 people throughout Illinois each year. All participants are blind and nearly all have very low incomes.

Our volunteer board of directors meets six times per year on Tuesday evenings to oversee and guide all activities of Friedman Place and set and implement our strategic direction. Members must have a passion for our mission to provide housing and supportive services to adults who are blind or visually impaired and preferably one (or more!) of the following:

  • Lived experience with a disability (either directly or as family or caregiver), especially blindness
  • Familiarity with Friedman Place through volunteering, donating, prior resident or family member, etc.
  • Legal expertise, especially employment, human rights, contracts, etc.
  • Accounting / CPA experience
  • Building expertise, especially construction, property management, major commercial building renovation, project management, etc.
  • Social services or healthcare experience, especially supervising or managing programs
  • Experience with advocacy, advertising, fundraising, public relations, social media
  • Racial and ethnic diversity beyond the board’s current composition

Please note that the list above is in no particular order of importance and none – other than a passion for our mission – is required.

To apply, learn more, or just have a conversation, please email us at: [email protected].

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